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to shopping nowThe Nation: Debt, Austerity and How to Fight Back. By Frances Fox Piven and Cornel West. Excerpts: Wall Street Banks, American corporations and their political allies have declared a one sided war on the American people. This war is being waged at our schools and colleges, the workplace and in our communities. Today, Americans are working harder and earning less while corporate profits soar. ?

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,That does lead me to believe that the current version of the Magix version I have will handle the files, which is very encouraging. I will try the AVCHD3D camera mode when I get a chance. "There has been a massive wealth transfer from middle class America's retirement accounts to the bank accounts of the privileged few. The social consequences of this wealth transfer bear scrutiny. " USA Today: Despite huge salaries, CEOs cling to their perks. 23,August

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