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(with Bettina Gockel, Thomas Hauschild, Dorothee Kimmich, & Kirsten Mahlke) "Räume – Zur Einführung", in: Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2008), 7 16. "Reisen durch Raum und Zeit: Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness und die Vernetzung der Welt um 1900", in: Arcadia: Zeitschrift für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft 43:2 (2008), 331 357. (with Bettina Gockel, Thomas Hauschild, Dorothee Kimmich, & Kirsten Mahlke) "Fremde Dinge – Zur Einführung", in: Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 1 (2007), 9 16. "Photographische Phantastik: Nathaniel Hawthornes The House of the Seven Gables und die frühe Diskursgeschichte der Daguerreotypie", in: Athenäum: Jahrbuch für Romantik 16 (2006), 97 123. Die doppelte Distanzierung des Anderen im Alteritätsdiskurs Europas", in: Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik 110:2 (2004), 9 28. NEW Fashion Cheap

new and fashion style Luxury Items purses outlet ukIf you mean stealing ones idea of overall core concept then yes you'd have to be blind not to see Super Smash Bros idea inside PS all stars. Call it whatever you want but without SSB there probably would be no PS all stars, just like without Tomb Raider there probably wouldn't be uncharted. I mean sure without TR and SSB the uncharted and PS all stars would exist but they wouldn't be the same as now. Går den fortfarande att få tag på. KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler Just like halo without doom,splinter cell without metal gear,zelda without that one game that I cant care to remeber its name. /

asics wrestling gear,KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler I think all he can do is troll sony,sad really. PrinceHeir to add more fuel to the fire check out the rest of his tweets showthread. t 485438 this is hilarious :P chinglee Kamiya is a total legend xD KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler So hes a legend because hes able to make stupid comments without any thought into them. Your fanboyism is growing annoying _ chinglee lol, how am I a fanboy or a troll. I haven't mindlessly bashed anything nor has my intention been to stir up any trouble by being sarcastic. chanel

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,well my mistake if i may sound like im making fun of you or anything. im just surprise about the comparison that's all. %translation_key_enter_key_unavailable:r. heck i freaking knew someone would be posting an example of that. again im sorry if i sounded like a jackass towards you. 10,June

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