asics 2130
Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. seriesrenamer :) It's been a while since I've checked back here but I've indeed been using your program religiously. Join 2,595 other followers Build a website with WordPress. It really has every thing to offer while having every angel covered, except for one thing which I've noticed. com Send to Email Address Your Name Your Email Address Cancel Post was not sent check your email addresses. Save Up to 75% OFF,

from authentic Luxury Items outelt.Also it might just as well lead to false positives, which would require the user to fix files which currently work just fine. ) Witnessmenow said December 9, 2008 at 7:14 pm This software is amazing, Thanks :) Any plans to adapt this or a create a similar for mp3. seriesrenamer said December 9, 2008 at 10:43 pm You're welcome. ) I'm not planning to create something similar for mp3, as I believe there are quite a number of similar programs already, and I personally don't care that much about music. Apart from that, it would have to work on a different principle, since it's more difficult to tell what's the author, what's the title etc. *

asics 2130,Where can I get to know the movie functions. seriesrenamer said August 14, 2009 at 1:55 pm You should consider that using a different drive will result in much longer processing times then, as the files have to be moved there. Also, since there's no multithreading yet, you won't get any real status for that unfortunately. On the same drive this should be much faster. There's no FAQ yet, mostly because I don't have collected any questions really. LV

Vasile Becker,

Cheap New Style

,You'll see what the program came up with in the New Filename column. Also you can manually tell the program that a file is a movie or a tv show in the context menu. Brain said September 22, 2009 at 12:55 pm When you import the titles from sj. de and there is at least one episode title missing then the empty title is not set to the right file. Example: "How I Met Your Mother Season 3″. 19,January

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