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The neo revisionists are worried about the Hoxhaists` claim of sole leadership within the united front, because an united front would not work, if anybody claims to take the lead.
However, it is well known, that without the leadership of the Marxist Leninists any united front is merely condemned to end in the mud of revisionism.
Naturally, the opportunists deny this truth and call it matter of opinion.
The opportunists insist on the stimulation of a large number of Marxist Leninist species.
So, they intend to ensure the flourishing and unfolding of various sorts of Hoxha ism.
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enjoy the low price and top quality of fashion Luxury Items hereWe never tolerate it, because it has no right to existence. If we don`t destroy the opportunist united front, we shall never be able to develop a united front that is based on the principles of Marxism Leninism and Proletarian Internationalism. We don`t follow the liberalist fashion that everybody can call himself Marxist Leninist just as he likes. So, consequently, it is not by chance that the opportunists regard the republished letter of the CC of the PLA with suspicion. Well, they shall regard this letter as a faded relic of an orthodox religious controversy, as an insignificant document of the darkest past of the dogmatic polemics of Stalinist type. $
new asics,We cannot understand why the signatories of the declaration of Quito confine the dictatorship of the proletariat only to »peoples democratic forms of the dictatorship of the workers class«. Is that allowed without leaving the Marxist Leninist lessons on the dictatorship of the proletariat. Quito states:»The basic contradictions of this epoch still exist«. What about the basic contradiciton between socialism and capitalism. The declaration of Quito speaks of »necessary people movements against this imperialistic war politics« and of the necessity to organise and support this peoples movement. gucci
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