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„Scheitert der Euro, scheitert Europa", sagte Henkel der „Bild am Sonntag". Insofern müsse man sagen: „Der Euro bedroht Europa. " Henkel machte ökonomische Unterschiede zwischen den Euroländern für die anhaltende Währungskrise verantwortlich. „Es wird Zeit, dass sich die Politik mit der wahren Ursache der Misere befasst: dem sturen Festhalten am Einheitseuro für unterschiedliche Wirtschaftskulturen", sagte der frühere BDI Chef weiter. Dadurch würden südeuropäische EU Staaten daran gehindert, ihre Währungen abzuwerten und so wieder wettbewerbsfähig zu werden, kritisierte Henkel. Designer Luxury Items online shop for

with fast shipping.But this is clear: The banks have given loans to states and continue to do so, without negotiating a professional repayment plan. So they lend recklessly, irresponsible. Therefore, they can not demand that such credit will be repaid to them as usual. Some practices aided and funded by the banks lead to additional debt, as I will explain on the basis of PPP (Editor's note: later in this interview. ) This also applies to other forms of privatization. $

asics canada,As a lecturer at the University of Cologne, would you endorse these recommendations. t know these films and the book you named. But I can recommend the documentary Let's make money I was involved in, also the movie The Company. At the University there are two books that are on my recommended list: David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, and Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine. In my books on privatization, public private partnerships, cross border leasing and the consultants, I described mechanisms and protagonists in detail. LV

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,That, too, came out by accident, at the very beginning of the financial crises, in first shock, so to speak. I need to get my power clean scores up. The large, business friendly media does not report on it. I will be tested by my college, and I need to up my numbers. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here. 8,May

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