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always different and poignant :) Cat Forsley March 17, 2013 at 09:12 You flatter me.
: ) Paul Handover March 17, 2013 at 09:19 i am not flattering You.
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get top styles at great prices in stock, free shipping, order nowWhy did you choose your kind of 'euphoric heartbreak' vibe, for example. Terms like that are for other people to assign to the music. That one is very nice – I might use 'euphoric heartbreak' next time. One of the most interesting things we have heard so far is that while the tracks themselves have their own individual identities, there is a common thread. That's nice because we don't set out with an objective in mind for a song like 'this is going to be a heartbreak song or a four to the floor club one'. ?
asics wide,That's the way we think it should be. If anyone remixes our tracks I can say, on record, please don't feel any sentimentality to the original song. So, what is it with the trio of forward slashes added to the band name. Well, we have the ability to do everything ourselves with regards to our creative output – we write and record our own music, we do all our own artwork and build our own website. Certainly, the slashes would be a part of that. LV
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