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The notes were usually written up within hours of the contact and another person would read them and witness and date the report. The initial screening of these contact notes was done in Switzerland by the witnesses there. If you feel that not enough information is given, or that proofs are being withheld, remember that those people involved there have their own proofs and need no other assurance of any kind. They are not impelled, nor do they see any need, to prove anything to anybody else. They have enough threats, harassment, and intimidation now, and do not seek to add to their own burden. Save money for the shopping of the ThanksGiving Day

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asics rulons,again transmitted from the computer aboard the ship. Still later, somebody gave Meier an IBM Selectronic electric typewriter, and then the notes transmission was shifted to it in the same way. We have recordings of this automatic typing. Then he discovered that same of the dialogue was being left out of the text on the automatic re transmission. The Pleiadians told him that they were withholding some of the sensitive information for his own good. chanel

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,The view from the window was of a clear, burgeoning landscape but, by the time we'd eaten breakfast, clouds were massing again. As arranged, Jigme was there by nine o' clock, and Ulli and I were happy to follow him up to the nunnery. Gabriele decided to stay put, reading and relaxing, so leaving her to the kindly attentions of our hosts, we piled into the van and, once again followed the shuttling track. As we drove Jigme informed us that, to his personal knowledge, this road had claimed no less than seven lives, although in former times it was yet more perilous than now. Thus reassured, we once again reached the start of the footpath, parked on the verge and, in gathering rain, commenced our ascent. 6,September

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