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After Shimano Roshi's sexual relationships became known to members of ZSS and the wider Buddhist community, contributions to ZSS fell precipitously. Shimano Roshi's actions violated his fiduciary duty, his ethical duty and fully meet the elements for liability under the faithless servant doctrine. Defendant repeats the foregoing allegations as if set forth herein. 737 155K 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added Vote Up0Vote Down BackuPs November 2013 Higoogle can not build maps in hidden content. The ZSS is entitled to a disgorgement of all alary payments to Shimano Roshi during the period of his violations of his fiduciary and ethical duties and in particular his sexual misconduct. Have you ever been dreaming that you can afford a

make you so charming in the world for free shippingUpdate: as of 10 July room availability is no longer guaranteed, but rooms may still be booked on basis of availability. Contact the IBIS hotel prior to booking. You can make a reservation with form 190912NH. Shimano as Director of the New York Zendo, two contracts were entered into on July 25, 1995 between the ZSS and Shimano Roshi and Mrs. doc, fill it in (put your name on the line for your signature) and send it by email or fax to hotel IBIS. *

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,Defendant denies the allegations set forth in paragraph 25 of the Complaint. The causes of action asserted in the Complaint are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrines of waiver, equitable estoppel, ratification, and unclean hands. As spiritual leader, Shimano Roshi had fiduciary and ethical duties to the ZSS members who were his students. On numerous occasions, Shimano Roshi engaged in sexual relationships with students of his. Shimano Roshi's sexual relationships constituted an abuse of Shimano Roshi's position. 12,October

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